Perforce Troubleshooting


Sometimes you add files to a changelist and want to remove them without affecting the files


  • Open a command prompt
  • Use the following command p4 revert -k -c default //... if the files are on the default changlist
  • If they're on a numbered changlist you can use p4 revert -k -c CHANGELIST# //...


Unreal tells you it can't save a file.

Resolution 1

  • Open a command prompt.
  • cd into you Unreal Project folder, ie cd .\UnkownWanderer\.
  • type the command p4 sync followed be enter.

Note: We can also rt. click a file in the content browser to sync but sometimes this doesn't resolve the issue.

Resolution 2

  • Disconnect source control in Unreal
  • Save your file
  • Reconnect source control in Unreal
  • Submit


Project files are locked and no one has them checked out in Unreal.


Run p4 retype -t binary //DEPOT/.... This will unlock ALL the files in the repo


Project files are locked.


Open P4V and rt. click the top folder with your locked files and choose Unlock.


p4 info doen't show a root and says something like "Client Disconnected"


p4 doens't know what the client running is called.


run the command p4 set P4CLIENT=p4Operator1


Sometimes we might get a mapping error in perforce.


  • You can double click your workspace and change the view mapping there.
  • Or, you can rt. click > edit workspace and go to text view to edit the mappings there.


Getting latest from p4 doesn't download all of the files.


Open a command prompt and cd into your workspace directory and run p4 sync


You cannot save a level while in Unreal


Run Task Manager and look for stray Unreal instances that are still around.


Sometimes you can't save a file in Unreal.


  1. Sometimes this is because Perforce can't isn't actually connected in the editor even though it says it is.
  2. This could also be becuase a ghost session of the Unreal Editor is using the file.


  1. First, try reconnecting source control in the bottom right hand corner of the window.
  2. If that doesn't work, use the windows program "Resource Monitor" to search for the file in question using the "Associated Handle" search box. This tells you what program in using the file, often a ghost instance of Unreal, and sometimes one that may not even show up in Task Manager. You can then go to the processes tab and end task the one with the same PID.
  3. If you have more than 2 ghost sessions you can probably just look at CPU usage to see which one is on the active window. You could also use Microsoft's Process Explorer program to figure out the PID of the active window.