P4 New Depot



Procedure for creating a new Depot in P4.

  1. In P4 Admin press File | New | Depot.

  2. Enter name for new Depot (don't include spaces). The name should be YEAR-SEMESTER-CLASS-SECTION for example 2022-Spring-ART4240-03

  3. Select either local for no branching/streaming or stream for branching/streaming projects. If you don't know what streaming is, then select local

  4. Press OK

  5. Create a group for these 2 users named after the class for instance art4240.

  6. Create 2 new users that have access to this new depot that is a member of the above group: class-operator and class-render. For example, art4240-operator and art4240-render. Select File | New User then enter a new username. Assign an easy to remember password for the entire class. These users should only be use in the lab computers. Under Groups click on Browse and select the above group.

  7. Go to Permissions tab and insert line and assign the new group the correct Folder/File. Press Save Edits.



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