Setting up Perforce on Operator and Render Nodes



This tutorial helps us get started for new classes/groups using Perforce for a render node and operator in LSU XR Studio.

Guide Changes Yet To Make

  • [ ] Replace the images to match the new text about multiple users.


  1. Download the Perforce from here:
  2. Install both, the command line client and visual client.
  3. Follow the steps here p4-newdepot to setup your Depot in P4 Admin.


  1. Open P4V and connect to as the user that was made in P4 Admin

    p4v login

  2. Go to the Workspaces tab and click New Workspace

    New Workspace

  3. For Workspace Name choose something unique, for instance: 22suart4240-operator or 22suart4240-render.

  4. For Workspace Root, start with the the default file path, which should be C:\Users\Virtual Production\Perforce\[WORKSPACE_RANDOM-NUMBER]. Replace the RANDOM NUMBER with the year and semester, for instance 22fa or 23sp so you workspace root looks like C:\Users\Virtual Production\Perforce\scrn4015-render_DMC-XR1001-01_22fa.

  5. Click on the Advanced tab and set Modtime... to true and rmdir to true and On submit to Revert unchanged files then press ok

  6. If you have also chosen a new depot that hasn't had anything submitted to it yet. In the workspace location create a new folder with the same name as the Depot, don't forget this is cap sensitive.

  7. In P4V select Connection | Edit Current Workspace then right click on the newly created workspace and Templates > LSUBaseTemplate and select Include Tree.

  8. Rt. Click > Clear any depots you don’t want such as OldProjects.

    Choose Depots

  9. Press Ok

  10. Select your Workspace Folder and Press Get Latest. This will download all your from your depot.

    Get Latest

  11. On the Render Node repeat the same steps as above to create a new workspace.

P4 Command Line

  1. To make sure the command line version of P4 is in sync with P4V create two files called [RENDER_WORKSPACE_NAME].p4config and [OPERATOR_WORKSPACE_NAME].p4config in the root of these workspaces alongside your .p4ignore files.

  2. In each file put the following contents:

    Contents of operator.p4config:


    Contents of render.p4config:

  3. On each machine, open a command prompt p4 set P4CONFIG="PATH TO WORKSPACE/[OPERATOR_WORKSPACE_NAME].p4config" on the operator machine and p4 set P4CONFIG="PATH TO WORKSPACE/[RENDER_WORKSPACE_NAME].p4config" on the render machine.

  4. Last thing we should do is setup our typemapping. Open a command prompt and type p4 typemap. Under the word "Typemap" press enter and then tab and past the following:

    binary+w //....exe
    binary+w //....dll
    binary+w //....lib
    binary+w //
    binary+w //....dylib
    binary+w //....stub
    binary+w //....ipa
    binary+l //....uasset
    binary+l //....umap
    binary+l //....upk
    binary+l //....udk
    binary+l //....ubulk
    binary+wS //..._BuiltData.uasset
  1. Now check tha values ahave been set with p4 set and p4 info.

  2. We’re good to go. Our Client name, host, and root all look correct now.



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