Operator 1 Start-Up Checklist
Start-Up Procedure for Operator 1
[ ] Make sure breaker is on for LED wall
[ ] Make sure all lights behind the wall are blue, red light mean no power to monitor
[ ] Power on Brompton
[ ] Turn on Operator 1 computer work station
[ ] Load Tessera Remote and connect to the Brompton
[ ] If Tessera cannot find processor, power cycle the Brompton
[ ] Log into P4V and make sure you have pulled the latest from Perforce.
[ ] If Project has no Switchboard config then create one
[ ] Log into our main render node machine
[ ] Make sure the render node display settings is set to 100%.
[ ] Launch Switchboard
[ ] Make sure the lens settings are correct on the in game CineCamera Actor by running the game locally. Update Perforce
[ ] Wait until the Compositing and Motion Caputure operators are up and running
[ ] Connect to all machines in Switchboard
[ ] Make sure you are connected to Perforce
[ ] Push correct changelist to all machines
[ ] Change multi-user session to unique id
[ ] Launch game on all machines
[ ] Go to LiveLink tab and make sure the puck is being recognized and is green in color (orange and red mean no connection).
[ ] Confirm camera is tracking correctly
[ ] Confirm focus is tracking correctly
[ ] Confirm render node GPU Nvidia Control Panel are correct with house sync and correct framerate.
[ ] Make sure HDR is off on Nvidia Control Panel